
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Don't Cry Over Spilled Taco Salad

Let me set up the scene: 1 ravenous pregnant woman, 2 hours past lunchtime, 1 fresh, warm, perfect taco salad. My mouth was already watering as I carefully scooted out of the car to head back into the office with my lunch. Somehow my purse shifted on my arm and the taco salad (that was clutched in 2 hands) smashed to the ground! The box burst open as lettuce and salsa flew out! I dropped my purse, stomped my foot and....cried. Yep, I cried. In the office parking lot...over a taco salad. I managed to get ahold of myself, grab the box and drag my sad self into the office. I sighed and opened the box to survey the damage. (Get ready for something amazing) The taco bowl had busted into a bunch of bite-sized pieces and all the insides of the salad had somehow managed to perfectly disperse themselves onto the pieces! It was like a miracle of taco salad perfection! It was so much less of a mess to eat this way, all busted up. It truly was the perfect taco salad! I think I'll (gently) drop all my taco salads from now on. Alas, I can't promise a tear-free pregnancy, but I can promise to keep an open eye for the silver lining in all things spilled from this point forward!

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